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nosy mitsio |
Ashore was a small new fishing resort ,still being built.no guests,so the manager,francis,who lives in next village,offered us a guided tour.the island has 24 villages,each of 40-50 people.we saw 3 and all were beachfront.the island is v shaped,each arm about 20 km x 2-4km.there are no roads,no vehicles,no bikes,no horses.transport is foot,or small dugout canoe,with outrigger,and small sail.no electricity.no running water.in francis's village water comes from well dug in earth.no sanitation.small houses,made from timber and bamboo,with thatched roof
Lots of zebu cattle,andsome goats.very dry.now the dry season.francis said 10 % stock loss in dry season
Small plots of banana trees,and cassava trees,the latter providing green leaves for eating
They eat rice 3times a day.each village has large wooden blocks,with bowl depression,for threshing the rice,with big stick,to remove husk
They kill a zebu once a week.otherwise fish,or dried fish.the fish are dried on the thatch rooves,as is laundry
After the 1st village we climbed a hill.only trees,except in villages,are palm trees,2types,one for coconuts,the other for rooves,rooves last 10 years.
They have a new school.in fact the island has only had aschool in the last 10 years.for secondary school they have to go else
From the hill,we had great views,one way to maribe bay,with Haven at anchor,the other to a big reef,then various islands,and the 4brothers,huge isolated rocks coming out of deep blue sea.
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