Wednesday 7 August 2013


We set off in our little french car to drive around Reunion.
1st stop ST PAUL.most coastal towns are named after saints and have pretty churches,a catholic country.good market on the seaside,restocked with nice fruit and veges.
2nd stop,ST PIERRE?picnic lunch overlooking marina.
MARINA was interesting.if seas are too big,as they were this day,there are breakers at the entrance,precluding passage in or,we are happy to be at Le Port,where there is a constany stream of recreational boats in and out every day,to the protected BAY de st PAUL
Then round south,up west coast,to POINTE DE TREMBLET,where lava from volcano eruption flowed into sea,in 1986.weird scenary,amazing ripples in lava,black rock meets blue sea.
2km north,reach place where lava cut road for 3months in 2007,flowing all the way to sea.another bizarre,barren,primal landscape.not much further north,came to LE GRAND BRULEE.a 6km wide volcanic plain,the main area/usual area of lava flows ,from the volcano.the slopes above,Les Grande Pentes,have been sending down lava,for thousands of years.
Final stop,NOTRE DAMDES CAVES!in Piton Ste-Rose,a very pretty little church( will load photo later), where lava flow went throuhgh village in 1977, split when it came to chuch,and reformed on the other side.
Back via st Denis,after dark,to Haven

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